Cameron Green Speaks About the Kidney Disease he has Since Birth!

Cameron Green

Find out which disease Cameron Green, the Australian all-rounder is fighting. He has been suffering since birth and now opens up about it and shares how he has been tackling it this whole time.

Raman Khatri Dec. 14, 2023

Australia's allrounder Cameron Green has now revealed that he has been suffering from a severe kidney disease since he was born and on stage one his life expectancy was of just 12 years.

Cameron Green was not included in Australia's test series against Pakistan. In place of Cameron Green, Mitchel Marsh was included in the team as an all-rounder.

Cameron Green said in an interview - "My parents got told when I was born that I had chronic kidney disease there are no symptoms, it was just picked up through ultrasounds."

"Chronic kidney disease is a progressive disease of your kidney's health function. Unfortunately, mine doesn't filter the blood as well as other kidneys. They're at about 60%, which is stage two."

"I consider myself very lucky that I'm not as affected physically by chronic kidney disease as other people who are affected by the same thing."

"With chronic kidney disease, there are five stages, with stage one being the least severe, and stage five being transplant or dialysis. Fortunately, I'm stage two, but it goes back down if you don't look after them enough."

"Kidneys can't get better. It's irreversible. So you try and do anything you can do to slow the progression."

Cameron Green's disease was picked up when her mother Bee Tracey had her 19-week pregnancy scan.

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