India vs USA T20 World Cup Faces Weather Test


India vs USA: Weather Permits a Battle for Group Supremacy in T20 World Cup

Neha . June 12, 2024

Rain is still a possibility for India's special T20 World Cup 2024 Group A match against the United States of America. The possibility of rain has been there for most New York games; in fact, the Pakistan vs. India match was postponed due to severe weather at the stadium. Even if a downpour is unlikely, rain might still have an impact on the match as India and the USA get ready to face each other.

The Nassau County International Cricket Stadium in New York has a 25% chance of raining on Wednesday, according to Accuweather. However, the likelihood of rain is still only 7% throughout the match hours.


In their T20 World Cup group league match against the brilliant but inexperienced USA here on Wednesday, India's batting maestros will seek to break free from the constraints of a much-maligned drop-in track and throw caution to the wind.

Though the Nassau County course is two-paced, India, who are ranked A1 (no matter how many points they receive), would prefer not to replay the match when they lost their last seven wickets for 28 runs against Pakistan. They just need one more victory to guarantee their spot in the Super Eight.

Their aspirations to play for the India blues were never realized, but when a vibrant group of Indian Americans hit the field against their birth nation, players like Saurabh Netravalkar and Harmeet Singh would relish the opportunity to play the role of David against the Goaliaths of the game.

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